I attach a summary of Panel particpants and the video of the session.
Congratulations to cousin Tanya Koob (Graydon) on her recent award for her work. Medal from the province of Alberta for work to promote outdoor activities for children. I have followed her blog and sh
I was there!
I could not even touch the many and complex points covered in the following material:https://www.carbonbrief.org/cop23-key-outcomes-agreed-un-climate-talks-bonnI enjoyed my time at the COP23 and the s
Arts and CultureField, Trees and Quantum https://lifeasahuman.com/2017/arts-culture/art/eisert-hall-canadian-artist-british-columbia-canada/
I recommend looking at the following website which relates to using the arts as a medium for peace building and community action. http://www.beyondskin.net
My attendance at this conference was a very enjoyable experience. Excellent discussions and activities with fellow mediators.Two recent articles I have published: https://environmentaljusticetv.wordpr
Looking forward to attending the conference next week. https://mediatorsbeyondborders.org/congress-2017/
40th Anniversary Rhode´s Women - September, 2017Panel on Sustainability and Climate Change - September 15, 2017.One of the activities at the 40th Rhodes Women anniversary, following the theme of Rhode
ABSTRACT - THE UNITED STATES DECIDES TO LEAVE THE PARIS AGREEMENT - CRISIS OR OPPORTUNITY? On June 1, 2017, President Trump announced that the United States (US) would be leaving the Paris agreement,
My contributions:You Tube Video: Climate Change: Our Threatened World https://youtu.be/y1YAUopGvQU- https://environmentaljusticetv.wordpress.com/2016/10/10/charalee-graydon-on-the-arts-climate-and-env
The paintings show the beauty of tranquility that allows us to reflect on the wonders of the world.Thank you Ken Davy for sharing the paintings.Charalee
The message and beauty of Ken´s work speaks for itself.40x50cm oil on canvas,. Tranquil lakes by the mountains. Thank you Ken for your contribution.
President Trump leaves Paris Climate Change Agreement: Exit or OpportunityPaper to be published soon on site and other locations.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbSxfTn_YnU&list=PL94wHOWgRL6B_cfctErFycsNKphedEbL1&index=6 Policies to deal with Climate Change - Informationn and Interactive Session with Arkim Steiner,
Link to information posted by Rhodes House for the Workshop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrsZdumSLHg&list=PL94wHOWgRL6B_cfctErFycsNKphedEbL1 Material worth watching.